My Way of Coping with Motherhood

Friday, 23 December 2011

Admitting to yourself that you have Post Natal Depression

I have finally diagnosed myself with having Post Natal Depression - or at least on the way to getting it. After reading all the medical information, I think I have more than just the 'baby blues'. I seem to tick all the boxes for having it. The Beyond Blue website was fantastic for this: []

I even read Jessica Rowe's entry in Vogue magazine after seeing her husband Peter Overton on the Kerri-Anne Show talking about his wive's downward spiral - and seeing how upset he became, really upset me too. [].

All I could think was 'why am I trying to do this on my own? This affects my husband too...' And so I decided that my husband really needs to know my feelings. He understood and said I need to talk to him more often and we need to get our parents to help out more so I can have a break whenever I need it.

Just writing this blog has been difficult enough. Hopefully others understand how hard it is to admit these things.

Just wondering now, what do I do now? How can I help myself without medical intervention (I don't think I'm that bad...)? Hopefully others that have gone through the same thing can help me out with this??

Monday, 19 December 2011

Women are Stopping with Breastfeeding Too Soon?

Today on the news I saw that a survey found that women are stopping with breastfeeding their bubs by the time they're 3 months old:

The main reason for this is that most women want to share this with their partner with others saying that they thought that formula was just as good as breast milk.

I personally stopped breastfeeding just over the 6 month mark - and I felt bad about it. But to be honest, most of the time I didn't enjoy it. I loved the fact that I was bonding with my little man but my back and shoulders really suffered. I saw the physio several times and had the nurse see me several times to help me with the correct way to breastfeed but to no avail.

Once I finally decided to give it up, I actually started to feel so much better. Not just physically, but also mentally. I was all of a sudden able to leave my son with my husband, my parents, his parents. We could feed him at the shopping centre, at the park, at the cafe (I never felt good about breastfeeding in public!). It was like I was finally having a well earned break! When I was tired, someone else could feed him. When I wanted to get out of the house (which has been very often lately!), someone else could feed him.

One thing I've noticed though is that my son still only wants me to feed him when he is either really upset or when I come home after being gone for a few hours. I don't mind, it makes me feel good that he still really needs/wants his mummy! :)

Anyway, my point is - I don't really understand why women would give up breastfeeding before the 3 month mark if they have the milk. Although I suffered with pain, I soldiered on - I believe it is very important. Not just for that bonding experience, but I really do believe breast milk is better than formula. How can science exactly duplicate something so natural anyway?

Based on this survey, I'm sure not everyone will agree but I believe that the longer one can breastfeed is definitely better for baby.

I am wondering, how long did everyone else breastfeed for, if at all?

Thursday, 15 December 2011

The Pressure to Lose Baby Weight

This morning on the Today Show, I saw an interview by another mum blogger who took photos of her post baby belly to bring attention to the pressure that mums face today to lose weight. Miranda Kerr was referenced as she lost a lot of weight rapidly soon after having her baby and Jessica Simpson was also referenced because she has already signed up to lose weight as soon as her baby is due. She told the Today Show that new mums are under a lot of external pressure to lose post baby weight and that these celebrities are not helping.

I personally have not seen this pressure happen. No one pressured me to lose weight immediately after my baby was born and no one is pressuring me yet. Celebrities have this pressure because they're in the public eye every day but we do not. I think that we put the pressure on ourselves because we feel that we need to look a certain way and that people will judge us if we don't 'bounce' back after having a baby. So we blame others for putting this pressure on us when really its us pressuring ourselves. Who cares if we don't immediately lose the weight as soon as our baby is born? The female body isn't intended to 'bounce' back into shape once the baby 'pop's out. The skin stretches, things sag, and other things become looser. We get dark spots and dry skin and our hair may even fall out. That's just the reality of childbirth. Even the celebrities have these things happen to them; they're also human after all. If these things don't happen, then we're lucky. Or we have plenty of money to pay for Personal Trainers or plastic surgery, probably because we're celebrities.

Another thing I would like to point out is that this 'pressure' is new, probably within the last 5 years, I personally think. The media has brought attention to it. The blogger this morning being interviewed on the Today Show brought attention to it. Mothers then start to think about their bodies and 'agree' that there is pressure put on them, when really, the media and these other people are making them feel that there is pressure. It's like when the media blew SARS out of proportion so the world got all paranoid and thought we were on the brink of death. The media does that. That's their job. Think for yourselves, women! There is NO PRESSURE! Miranda Kerr was a tiny figured woman to begin with, with hardly any curves. She had a baby and then hired a Personal Trainer with all her money. She got her tiny figured body back, but I still don't see many curves. (Personally, I think she looks like a little girl!). Do you see celebrities taking candid photos of their post-baby bellies to show the public what it's really like? Of course not. Their chosen vocation won't allow it.

As 'normal' women, we really need to put ourselves 2nd to our babies. That's just how it works. We decided to make a huge sacrifice by bringing our babies into the world and raising them. We lose our perfect figures and we become tired, exhausted. But we'd do it all over again. And again. Or so I know I would! It's all worth it.

As a final note, I'd like to point out that most men prefer curves on a woman. Giving birth gives us bigger boobs and hips. I'm sure most men would prefer that Beyonce body over the Miranda Kerr body. Most importantly, I know my husband loves my curves and he makes me feel sexy all the time. He definitely does not give me any pressure to lose weight.

So, my point is that women should think for themselves. Do not let the media or anyone else tell you how to feel and tell you that you are feel pressured. Do not make them you feel 'fat' or 'different'. Embrace your new curves, they come with your gorgeous bundle of joy after all.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Play Mat is No Longer Enough!!!

Ok, so today 7 month old decided that the play mat is no longer enough for him to crawl over. He decided that he needs the hallway, the bedrooms, the kitchen, dining room, bathroom - he crawls up and down, weaving in and out of rooms, all the while trying to climb up doors, door frames, walls, cupboards, tables.... and the list goes on!!

Apart from being even MORE TIRED than usual, I am freakin' out about how to keep him happy and practicing all his developing skills while ensuring that he is kept safe!!

Anyone else with the same experiences??

Sunday, 11 December 2011

I've FINALLY Decided - I'm Signing Up to the GYM!!!

Ok, so once again, I've decided to sign up with the local gym. Although this time it's different (I think). I'm HUGELY motivated to not only get out of the house, but to get fit, eat healthier (hopefully!), to make new friends and to feel the 'I'm on a high' effects of going to the gym!

Although they have a creche facility, I am going to leave my little man with his grandparents when I go to the gym during the week, and with his daddy when I go on weekends. They will all benefit from the quality time together, I'm sure.

I can't wait!!

Has anyone else got any experiences about going to the gym after having their baby/ies?

Getting Organised is SO Important when you have a Baby!

Right, so today my mother-in-law is home and I thought I'd take advantage of this! After running a few errands, I figured I should get the house organised! I picked up a few organisational and storage things from Ikea and got cracking!

Today was bedroom day. I reorganised all the drawers and used some fancy drawer separator inserts from Ikea. It worked particularly well with my jewellery, hair stuff, nail stuff, makeup, as well as my undies and bras! And not only now does it look clean and tidy and I know where everything is - I have created more space! Wow! I was always sooking to hubby about how we didn't have space before but now I've found at least 4 more drawers we can use and a full section of a cupboard for our linen (we don't have a linen cupboard unfortunately!).

Although Ikea was great for me to purchase some organisational things, I really need to thank the Stay at Home Mum blog ( for the inspiration. It's probably one of the best blogs I've come across! Feel free to let me know of your organisational ideas particularly from those of you where space is an issue!

Ok, so now to finish dinner, put my feet up for a few mins and go pick up my little man from his grandma's!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

1st Night Away From Home

My little man has become extremely clingy since being sick. He only wants his mummy. He has learnt how to stretch his arms out to me when someone else is holding him so that I can take him. He then gives me a massive hug. Oh, how I love those hugs especially cause they're so new!! It's something he only just learnt how to do! Anyway, sometimes I take him but I try not to. I figure if I keep taking him, he will get too used to it. The other day I left him with my mum to test him out while I went out to get a beauty treatment (of course, nothing else will do when I get a break like this!) and when I came home, I heard him playing cheerfully with his grandma. Then I walked in and greeted him. He dropped everything and crawled so quickly toward me, crying loudly! He wanted me to pick him up immediately and comfort him. I quickly did so because he was so upset and he calmed down fairly quickly. So he was fine while I was away but when he saw me, he just had to have me.

Since then, I've been going out a bit more and more to test him out more - all in preparation for hubby's Christmas party last night. I made the decision to leave my little man with his in-laws overnight because I didn't want to wake him at an ungodly hour to take him home. It took a lot of strength not to call every hour to find out how he was doing but I was certain he was doing fine. He is actually still there now and I am yet to pick him up. Thought I'd get a sleep in and a morning off. I can't wait to see him but I am enjoying my break too.

It used to be so difficult to leave my little man because I started to become so attached - but now that he can communicate (with gestures, laughter, crying etc), I can see how much he loves being with all his grandparents so that has made it much easier. I now see myself taking advantage of the parents just so I can have that break. Is that bad? Well, they absolutely love hanging with him and melt every time they see him - to a point where mature adults are on the ground crawling with him and singing and dancing to all kinds of wacky songs!

I'm so thankful for the break but I can't wait to see my little man. I think I'll enjoy this break for a little while longer and then go get him. I can't wait to get that big loving hug from him when he sees me!!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

... And THAT is why I am SO TIRED!!

Lots of people ask when I am returning to work and I just tell them. It's no big deal. Usually, I have no idea because I keep extending it. My manager and job allow me to.

However, on one occasion, another mother asked me this very question and when I mentioned that I might be returning once my little man is 6 months old, I was hit with a million questions regarding why so early to which I got mighty defensive! Like for example, I need social interaction with other adults, I need to get out of the house cause I'm going a little mad, and (although I didn't mention this, money was a factor too! - But really was it any of her business??)! Anyway, her response was, "so go to playgroup, meet other mums there". I mentioned that I tried mother's group once but it didn't work too well for me so I gave up. Then I finally got hit with - "what kind of mother are you??" I was dumbstruck! How dare she attack the way I mother? Just cause I perhaps needed to go back to work before the full year? What was it her business anyway? She left her kids with her parents or in-laws practically every day since they were born anyway so why was she being such a hypocrite?!

Bottom line is, I've never spoken properly to her again.Yes, I am tired, I make mistakes, I may not be the best person or mother around, but I do my best - either on my own or with hubby's help or with our families' help. If my son does his best when he's older, either at school or outside of school, I will be mighty proud of him. I am a great mother and extremely proud of it too!

So! To all those jealous biatchezzz, get a life and suck on it! I reckon I am a better mum than you! I spend PLENTY of time with my son; every minute of my life I devote to him! I don't even sleep the way I used to anymore! --- and THAT IS WHY I AM SO TIRED!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Click 'like' on my new Facebook page!

What Have You Done for YOURSELF This Week?

A friend once told me that in her mother's group, they were asked to go around the room to let each other know what activity/ies they had done for themselves that particular week. Most people had mentioned things like 'taking a long shower', 'taking their time on the toilet', and 'read one chapter of a book'. However for that particular week, she boasted that she went to a footy game. Everyone was jealous! Since then, I've always thought, why don't I take time out to do at least 1 thing for myself every week.

Well, this week I did 3 things, all in one afternoon! After I dropped off my little man with my in-laws, I went to get an hour long massage, I then bought myself some tabouli and a drink and sat in the park to eat, and finally, I went to the local library and read some of their newest magazines. I didn't even realise at the time that the library subscribes to an array of magazines!

So now I'll be thinking of something else to do for next week!

What have you done this week for yourself?

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Lesson #1 - Asking for Help

I have just decided to start my own blog. The reason for this is in an attempt to reclaim my sanity after my 7 month old son came down with his very 1st flu, which of course, had to be accompanied by a high fever, and therefore a trip to the hospital and several trips to the local doctor. The doctor told me to "stop worrying!" and that she has seen me too many times in the last week. Oh boy, did I want to smash her! She has no idea how clingy my little man got and only wanted his mummy - and that is why I am so tired this week.

Apart from using this blog to help reclaim my sanity, my mum and mum-in-law have helped me out significantly. My mum-in-law slept over, and in fact, slept with my little man all night on the couch cause he didn't want to be left alone and, thankfully, to give me a break.

Until now, I have pushed both mums away thinking that "I can do it all"... And I was honestly ashamed. Why couldn't I do it all? But the truth is, I can't do it all and I don't know how anyone can without some help! And now I don't believe anyone that tells me that they do it all on their own!!

So - my 1st lesson learnt is to 'Ask for Help'. Don't be ashamed, embarrassed or worried about what others think. Who cares? Your loved ones will help willingly and will never look down upon you. From now on, I'll be asking for more help.